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REA Trader Developer Hub

Here begins your development journey.

Trader Backend API

Trader Backend API

The Trader Backend API is designed for the administration of clients, accounts, and financial aspects such as accounting, taxation, and money management within the system.

Price Data Feed API

Price Data Feed API

The Price Data Feed API provides real-time market pricing data for a range of financial instruments.

Order Management API

Order Management API

Our Order Management API offers the functionality to trade a variety of instruments, including stocks, ETFs, funds, and bonds through our platform.

Securities Master Data API

Securities Master Data API

The Securities Master Data API provides information about financial data.

Event Reports (Webhooks)

Event Reports (Webhooks)

Event reports enable you to access information on asynchronous events happening within the Trader Backend systems.

Public Status Page

Public Status Page

Our status pages offer live updates on uptimes or any disruption of our services.